If I select ‘Always’ for the Knowledge Base in the Reliance selection, will my app still access the model selected (e.g. GPT-3.5) for additional information?
In other words, is there a way to limit the information sources to be ONLY from the Knowledge Base files and links? This would help to assure accuracy of responses.
This is an excellent question that probably requires some clarification in our interface.
The answer is Yes. Your tool will still use the underlying model.
The way the Knowledge Base works is that for every question, it will quickly search your entire knowledge base for relevant pieces of content. Reliance affects how relevant information from the KB needs to be in order to get pulled. The lower you set it, the more relevant a piece of knowledge needs to be in order to get used. Amount controls how much information it pulls. If you set it to 1,500, that means it will pull up to 1,500 tokens from the knowledge base and look at it before answering the question.