404 errors on lots of cited sources

Hi there, I have asked that any response includes a link to a source. However, I’m finding I’m getting quite a few 404 errors in the links pickaxe provides. Is there a way to not show a link if it comes up with a 404 error? I had one response with abut 8 links and 5 of them were 404 errors.

I’m guessing this comes from URLs either being dynamically generated by the websites platform or the articles have since been moved or deleted.

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Hey David, your reasoning is correct. Sometimes links the models read in their training data have since been deprecated, which is why some of the links lead to deprecated pages. Additionally, sometimes the models hallucinate non-existent links.

Currently there is not a way to verify links in the outputs. I was experimenting with this myself over the weekend with a subreddit suggester tool that recommends subreddits to post in. When we find a solution we will advertise it to all users. If you find a solution let us know as well.

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Thanks Mike

I’ll keep plugging away at it to see if I can come up with a solution that n the prompt in the meantime.

Absolutely loving my Pickaxe projects!!

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If the universe for your tool is relatively limited, you may be able to upload a document with all of the appropriate links allowed by your Pickaxe to share.

This seems to be the easiest way to prevent hallucinations to fake links in my experience.

In ChatGPT, I have occasionally had success by telling it to visit and verify each link before sharing it, but that approach doesnt seem to work consistently or transfer to the PickAxe environment

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Hi Intellibotique,

Love the idea of uploading a list of URLs. Is the root domain sufficient, or do you need to add the actual URL for each piece of content in the list of links?

I’ll try the visit and verify the apporach. Thanks. You might just have solved the problem for me.

The root domain wouldn’t be sufficient — if you want it to draw solely from one root domain, I’d download the site map for the domain and upload it into the knowledge base and reference it accordingly in the prompt.

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Ah, using the site map is a clever idea! I’ll try that. Thanks for your advice!

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