Action to integrate Spotify?

Hello, I hope I am posting in the correct place for this as I VERY new to AI creations.
I am trying to build a simple Spotify playlist creator, and have everything working except when I get the generated playlist, Spotify does not find the page. I assume it is because I do not have a way for Spotify to actually create the playlist? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Any guidance would be much appreciated!

I don’t quite understand your question, but if you’re trying to interact with Shopify through a pickaxe, I suggest you do it through and an action with Shopify, it will be easier for you to create lists, bring and send products, modify products and lists, etc.

Thanks Bruno, but I am trying to make a Spotify playlist, not Shopify.

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Hahaha I’m so sorry I misread your question, in that case create a webhook on and connect an action through Spotify

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Thank Bruno!
I am trying to figure out Make, (seems pretty straight forward), but it does not seem to send the playlist url back to PickAxe. I am getting a error in Make with this: BundleValidationError
I seem to be going in circles with sending the data back to PickAxe from Make.
Any ideas?

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First you need to create a custom action in a pickaxe bot

Then once you connect the action you have to send the result of the spotify module to the webhook response. and this will communicate with the pickaxe bot. Anyway, if you are a beginner and this is your first action, I recommend that you start practicing with simpler actions.

The final result would look something like this:

Anyway, if you want me to help you with this AI tool, I will be happy to provide you with advice. You can contact me at my email:


Hi @don_howell,

You can also try to create a playlist and add tracks directly from Pickaxe if you want to give it a go.

You will need these actions:

  1. Create a playlist:
    Web API Reference | Spotify for Developers

  2. Search for tracks (URIs):
    Web API Reference | Spotify for Developers

  3. Add tracks to playlist:
    Web API Reference | Spotify for Developers

