Error when creating Korean PDF

When you select Pdf Generator in Connected Actions and create a PDF, there is an error where Korean text is broken. However, English letters and numbers appear correctly.

If you’re using the generic Generate PDF action, try cloning it and customizing it to your use-case > Try to add a Korean language package to the “Additional packages” section under “Action Details” (See screenshot).

[Korean language Python package](KoNLPy: Korean NLP in Python — KoNLPy 0.6.0 documentation

In this case, I believe you want to type in “KoNLPy”, and then hit the “+”.

Then you can go to the “Action code” section and use Python code to import it. Use ChatGPT 4o to generate the code.

Also, try changing the XML Pdf package over to “fpdf”. I found it generates more stable PDFs over multiple uses.

Check out this relevant thread for more info.

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