How do I access os.environ like Form Id and Chat ID when building an Action?

Hi for me formid is ok but chatid is empty.

formid = os. environ [“PICKAXE_FORM_ID”]
chatid = os. environ [“PICKAXE_CHAT_ID”]

Where to find the list and why chatid is not working ?
Thank you :slight_smile:

Can you be more specific? What are you trying to do?

Hi Mike
I would like to retrieve the chat ID or user ID in Python. With form ID it’s okay, but not with chat ID. Would you have a user ID?

Where are you trying to do this?

If you’re trying to build a custom Action, a Pickaxe does not have access to its own conversation ID or the user ID. It only has access to the contents of the conversation. It can use that content as inputs to Actions but it cannot access data outside the conversation.

Ok thank you Mike but
formid = os. environ [“PICKAXE_FORM_ID”] is working
chatid = os. environ [“PICKAXE_CHAT_ID”] is not working…
Why please ?