How do I change the name of Pickaxes in my studio?

When I change the name of a pickaxe, it doesn’t change in the studio. It’s like the studio keep copy of old version in the Pages, menu and Monitor. However, when I edit the pickaxe from the studio, the new one appears. If I change a pickaxe option (ex. remove the document upload option), the change is reflected in the studio…
Same as this bug report who have been resolved in april
Is this normal?

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Hi @yvan,

If you press “Edit page” on any of the Pickaxes page, you should be able to edit the Pickaxe name.

Yes that’s true.
So that means when I embed a pickaxe in a studio, the name is managed by studio not by the source pickaxe anymore they are independant for the name not for the instructions and settings? I’m true?

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Currently, Studio manages Pickaxe’s name, description, and image separately. Soon, we will also support changing button texts and form labels for form Pickaxes.


To add to Mr. Stephen’s already wonderful explanation…

Styling + branding of Pickaxe are controlled within the studio. This is because many customers reuse the same tool across studios but want unique branding.

Prompt, documents, + underlying functionality is controlled within the tool. If you edit the prompt of a tool, it will affect all the instances of that tool (across all studios and across all embeds).


OK thank U for these clear answers.
It makes sense. I understand well.

On a related topic, can we change the name of the studio itself?

If so, how? I can change the name of pickaxes and tools but not the studio.


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Hi @hrwisdom,

You can change the name or description of your studio by editing the landing page.

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