How to make MidJourney Action output a single image

Many users have asked how to make the MidJourney Action output only one image instead of of four images.

We’ve answered that question elsewhere. I wanted to answer it here as well.

The Problem
By default, if you use the MidJourney Action within Pickaxe, it will output a grid with four images. This is good, but many users want only one single image to appear in the output.

The Solution

  • Go to the Act tab
  • Duplicate the MidJourney Action
  • Edit the MidJourney Action code to be the following (underneath)
import os
import requests
import time
import shutil

def midjourney_images_userapi_copy(prompt: str):
    Generate an upscaled single image with Midjourney

        prompt (string): prompt for the image
        USERAPI_KEY (string): <a href='' target='_blank'>UserAPI Documentation</a>

# Fetch the API key from environment variables
    api_key = os.getenv('USERAPI_KEY')
    if not api_key:
        raise ValueError("USERAPI_KEY environment variable not set")
    headers = {
        "api-key": api_key,
        "Content-Type": "application/json"

    # Step 1: Send the imagine request to generate the initial image grid
    imagine_url = ""
    data = {
        "prompt": prompt,
        "is_disable_prefilter": False
    response =, json=data, headers=headers)
    # Raise an exception if the request was unsuccessful
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception(f"Imagine request failed with status {response.status_code}: {response.text}")

    imagine_hash = response.json()["hash"]
    print(f"<!--Hash: {imagine_hash} -->")  # For tracking purposes

    # Wait for the imagine task to complete
    for _ in range(90):
        status_response = requests.get(
        status_data = status_response.json()
        if status_data.get("result") and status_data.get("status") == "done":
            # Proceed to upscale the first image (choice 1)
            upscale_url = ""
            upscale_data = {
                "hash": imagine_hash,
                "choice": 1  # Upscale the first image
            upscale_response =, json=upscale_data, headers=headers)
            if upscale_response.status_code != 200:
                raise Exception(f"Upscale request failed with status {upscale_response.status_code}: {upscale_response.text}")

            upscale_hash = upscale_response.json()["hash"]
            print(f"<!--Upscale Hash: {upscale_hash} -->")  # For tracking purposes

            # Wait for the upscale task to complete
            for _ in range(90):
                upscale_status_response = requests.get(
                upscale_status_data = upscale_status_response.json()
                if upscale_status_data.get("result") and upscale_status_data.get("status") == "done":
                    # Download the upscaled image
                    upscaled_image_url = upscale_status_data["result"]["url"]
                    upscaled_image_url = upscaled_image_url.replace("\\u0026", "&")
                    upscaled_image_response = requests.get(upscaled_image_url, stream=True)
                    if upscaled_image_response.status_code == 200:
                        image_path = "generated_image.png"
                        with open(image_path, "wb") as f:
                            upscaled_image_response.raw.decode_content = True
                            shutil.copyfileobj(upscaled_image_response.raw, f)
                        print("Upscaled image downloaded successfully.")
                        return image_path  # Return the path to the image
                        print("Failed to download the upscaled image.")
                        return None
                elif upscale_status_data.get("status") == "error":
                    print(f"Upscale failed: {upscale_status_data.get('status_reason')}")
                    return None
                print("Upscale timed out.")
                return None
        elif status_data.get("status") == "error":
            print(f"Image generation failed: {status_data.get('status_reason')}")
            return None
        print("Image generation timed out.")
        return None