webhook receiving bad JSON

I am trying to connect webhook to my bot but the JSON I am receiving from the bot is not valid JSON.

Its just data with all the text in one data block even if I have for example a “title” and “content” that should be in the JSON.

How do I fix this so the bot actually sends the JSON in correct format to webhook?

I need to be able to differentiate the data in JSON format and not just big “data” chunk with title and content reading in it but unable to differentiate them so I can place the different data in their own placements in

If this is not possible it really makes the whole integration useless :frowning:

Note that this is more than likely a user error on my side regarding the message I give to my bot or maybe something I’m not getting in even though I tried different things.

Hi @hurmuli,

I’m getting the correct JSON. Can you paste the action code?

Also you might want to check the other Make integration posts?

For example:


Hi @hurmuli,

Our “Basic” webhook actions only sends a JSON object with a data field. However, you can clone it to add additional input fields and modify the code to include these new inputs in the request payload.

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This is what I was trying to do. But what I am getting is only the “data” field. Can you share your “input” to the bot to create this correct format since I think after that I can easily turn it to what I want.

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Sorry, I am not following you on this. Can you explain how I can “clone” this to change the integration so it would include a title and post fields separated so it can be handled correctly?

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Hi friend, I also had the same problem and I managed to solve it. Here is the code, just copy and paste it and add fields according to what you need, delete the last name and age and add yours, once you add them in the code add them in the input field function of the action and after that it should work. code:
import os
import requests

def basic_make_webhook_multiple_fields(data: str, age: str, last_name: str):
Sends a basic request to a webhook

data (string): username
age (string): age of the user
last_name (string): last name of the user
MAKE_COM_WEBHOOK (string): Webhook link from

make_url = os.environ[“MAKE_COM_WEBHOOK”]

data_to_send = {
“data”: data,
“age”: age,
“last_name”: last_name

response =, json=data_to_send)

Check for successful response

if response.status_code == 200:
return f"Successfully sent data. Result: {response.text}"
return f"Failed to send data to Make. Status code: {response.status_code}, Response: {response.text}"

except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}"

If you still have problems, create a command that modifies the code and sends it to you ready to copy. Copy the Make code you are having problems with and tell it to add captions to send to the webhook and it will return the code ready to paste and use.:

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Tried creating this but kept getting errors from the pickaxe itself unfortunately. Hopefully the integration is changed to better support something like this in the future since the custom function seems to just cause internal errors :frowning:

@hurmuli what data are you trying to send and what error do you get?

Here is all the data I am trying to send:

Title and Content, nothing else. After being able to send the data with title and content I could easily set it up in to be sent forward.

Hi @hurmuli, I’ve created a short video that shows you how to set up the integration with

Let me know if you have any question

Sorry, but where can I find this video?

Here is the code I have and for now I am still not understanding what I am doing wrong, considering this is almost word to word the code I got from you guys…

import os
import requests

def send_data_to_wordpress(title: str, content: str):
    Send generated blog post to

        title (string): Title of blog post
        content (string): Content of blog post
        MAKE_COM_WEBHOOK (string): Webhook to connect more services

    # Insert your PYTHON code below. You can access environment variables using os.environ[].
    # Currently, only the requests library is supported, but more libraries will be available soon.
    # Use print statements or return values to display results to the user.
    # If you save a png, pdf, csv, jpg, webp, gif, or html file in the root directory, it will be automatically displayed to the user.
    # You do not have to call this function as the bot will automatically call and fill in the parameters.
    make_url = os.environ.get("MAKE_COM_WEBHOOK")
    data_to_send = {
        "title": title,
        "content": content

    response =, json=data_to_send)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print("Blog post sent successfully.")
        print(f"Failed to send blog post. Status code: {response.status_code}")

except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

print(f"Data being sent: {data_to_send}")
print(f"Using webhook URL: {make_url}")

Can you put together a Loom of what you are doing so that I can see what is happening?

Hi @hurmuli ,

Sorry, forgot the link.

It is under the How To Guides.

How to create a Make action with response

Still getting this weird error:

Sending to

Image build for im-ofGye0cZJRpqdMSEwmDHBX failed with the exception: task exited with failure, status = exit status: 1

I struggled with this, but after waatching the video, it works and I understand it.

As I said, can you put together a Loom - we can get you up and running.

Hi @hurmuli, make sure the indentation is correct (use the code below).

Also, are you trying to send an image as part of the data package?

import os
import requests

def send_data_to_wordpress(title: str, content: str):
    Send generated blog post to

        title (string): Title of blog post
        content (string): Content of blog post
        MAKE_COM_WEBHOOK (string): Webhook to connect more services

        # Fetch the webhook URL from environment variables
        make_url = os.environ["MAKE_COM_WEBHOOK"]

        # Check if the environment variable is set
        if not make_url:
            print("Error: Webhook URL is missing in the environment variables.")

        # Data to be sent to
        data_to_send = {"title": title, "content": content}

        # Send the POST request
        response =, json=data_to_send)

        # Check if the request was successful
        if response.status_code == 200:
            print("Blog post sent successfully.")
            print(f"Failed to send blog post. Status code: {response.status_code}")

    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

    # Debugging information
    print(f"Data being sent: {data_to_send}")
    print(f"Using webhook URL: {make_url}")

Thanks for the code, I need to check it out but it also seems your editor has a bug which stops users from copy pasting code and delete pasted code. Please fix this ASAP.

Browser: Mozilla Firefox (latest version)

Hi @hurmuli,

I’m a user like you sorry but I can’t fix the tool. If something doesn’t work you should create a post under the bugs section.

However, if you are referring to the top part of the code where the variables are declared that is done automatically for you based on what you create in the input variable area

Ah so it seems.

Yeah I need to send Pickaxe an email regarding that since its making it impossible to edit the code in any meaningful way.