My FAB is not displaying the question (input) field in total (half), please see my website chatbot
Did you alter the embed code in some way to give the buttons that colored fill? I might guess that the way you’ve altered the embed code might have broken something in the input field sizing.
Mind sharing your embed code?
Thanks for helping. The color and size of the button is done by the elementor site setting, but when I adjust these the input field is not changing. How can I share the code in private?
Try setting the height to 100%
Thank you, but I can change the height in the settings. However, I already found the problem: it’s the Elementor form field site settings. I need to adjust each form field individually to solve it.
I also have an issue with a custom icon in the FAB. All that I see is a solid black circle. Regardless of changing properties, the problem persists.
@dev_vlad check this out
Thank you for reporting this. Our development team will investigate this issue.
I’m happy to report that this issue was solved. Thanks, guys for taking care of that.
We’re glad to hear that! Feel free to let us know if you have any other issues.