I’m having trouble getting my pickaxe to trigger the Flux.1_Schnell action when using Sonnet 3.5. Sometimes, it takes 3 to 5 attempts to generate an image after I make a request, and most of the time, it doesn’t work at all. The pickaxe functions well with OpenAI models, but I would prefer to use Sonnet 3.5. How can I get Flux to work with Sonnet 3.5?
It is a known problem that the Claude models are worse than the OpenAI models at calling Actions. OpenAI is just more cooperative in that realm. But they will do it.
If you share a link to your tool, I can take a look at it. Usually you can solve it by adjusting the prompt to be more explicit.
Hi Mike, thanks for your note. I sent you a message and the link through a direct message. Thanks