Web browsing capabilty

When you enable web-browsing, this does not mean the tool uses web-browsing by default every time it generates a response. It just means the tool has the ability to use web-browsing when it wants.

Here’s a quick explanation. Every time someone asks a question, before it generates an output the AI will:

  • Look at the user’s question
  • Decide whether it needs to use web-browsing
  • Use web browsing to get information (or not use web-browsing)
  • Generates a response.

How you write your prompt matters as well. You can instruct the tool when it is or is not appropriate to use web-browsing.

For your use-case, I would suggest including the following direction in your prompt: “Whenever someone mentions a stock ticker, use web browsing to search the web and gather up-to-date information on it