I have a project Idea I want to work on and I may need some assistance with it, so if you have built some projects using Pickaxe I would love to link up and discuss a consulting opportunity.
I don’t exactly need some consulting work, but if you have some questions or prompting help, or ANYTHING, really. Im happy to help I’ve currently built Hamsterai.net, the5ebot.com, and mineaibot.xyz
I’m currently working on integrations between Pickaxe, Make and VAPI.
Building playground.profitailab.com.
DM if you need help
@intellibotique is a certified Pickaxe expert!
How can I send them a DM to discuss the potential opportunity?
Hi Gary,
Pick a slot, don’t worry about the 15min we can chat longer.
FYI - I’m not Pickaxe certified (didn’t know was a possibility) but I’m Make.com certified (advanced user) if you need integrations / build scenarios with Make.com
Hi @admin_mike, how do you get certified?
Curious about this too!
You are certified on our Pickaxe Experts page.
You can complete a short test and then get listed on our Pickaxe Experts page. Email us if you’d like to be certified.