I’m a web designer with a focus on graphic design and AI and I enjoy the potential and functionality of pickaxe, but the designs are somewhat outdated and plain. It’s hard to get them to match the theme of my websites due to the limited customization options. A few things that would provide a better UX from a design perspective are:
Options to change the shape and size of the chatbox. I prefer rounded corners with most of my designs and I don’t see that option available. This can be achieved by allowing us to change the border radius AND the corner radius also.
Allow option to change the color, type, and size/width of the borders.
Options to change the color of all elements in the chatboxes-not just the text sections. Allow us to upload backgrounds too.
Letting creators (us) know what the dimensions are for uploading images for things like the chatbot icons and profile pic thing when designing a bot.
Better real time visual updates/editor for the embed chat options.
I haven’t delved into the studio features yet, but from the ones i’ve seen so far they all seem to be pretty basic and plain as well. I know this is the beginning of the product launch, but I do hope to see more advanced customization options in the future. I want to be able to provide these for potential clients, but it needs to be able to match their brand better.
And as for getting a background image, one trick you can do is to make the background opacity very light, and then upload an image in the div that holds your embedded chatbot—like we’ve done in the examples on our home page. Although you’re right, perhaps we should allow image upload in-editor. We’ll also check our info tooltips to make sure we have suggested image sizes fo the things you mentioned.
It’s an ongoing process balancing simplicity with customization. The more options you surface, the more complex everything gets—but we are working on it. Let me know if the points above don’t address your concerns!
Thanks for the response and the background image trick as well. I will definitely play around with that.
Are round buttons an option? Did I miss that? Also, the corner radius I tried, but I haven’t been able to make them round enough. Since the feature is already there perhaps it’s not a difficult fix? One last thing-fonts. I am not a programmer or dev so I don’t know if this will be difficult or not, but the ability to upload fonts to match our website fonts would be awesome. I realize pickaxe is basically in it’s infancy stage and some things come with time, but I do appreciate the community and the willingness of the admins to allow us to share our experience as users. I’m a fan so far.