Chatbot Confused - User Uploads and Knowledge Base with Command list

I’m using a prompt setup where the chatbot is configured to respond to specific commands (e.g., /upload, /start, /link). The /upload command should trigger an automatic analysis of a document upon upload, with a direct response containing insights from the file.

After adding two documents to the chatbot’s knowledge base—a list of commands and a compilation of 30-40 newsletters as examples—I’ve encountered an issue: whenever /upload is used, the chatbot often fails to respond with the document analysis. Instead, it either repeats phrases (likely from the newsletters), provides random business insights, or misinterprets the command. This may stem from the informal, narrative tone within the newsletters, which seems to confuse the chatbot’s interpretation.

Key Findings (with the help of ChatGPT after analizyng the Newsletter document):

  • The chatbot might be mistaking narrative phrases as instructions, causing it to respond inappropriately to /upload and other commands.
  • Reference sections in the newsletters seem to interfere with the intended command responses.

When the files in the Knowledge Base are off, the /upload command works.

I’d like the /upload command to apply solely to the user-uploaded file, not to the existing documents containing narrative newsletter content.

Any tips on how to prevent the chatbot from confusing reference material in the newsletters with actionable commands would be appreciated.

Alternatively, should I simplify the command structure or modify the newsletter content itself to avoid this interference?

Thank you all!

If you add files to the Knowledge Base, they must be deemed relevant to the conversation in order to be used.

I imagine the issue is that “/upload” does not trigger chunks from the Knowledge Base.

Are these documents that the end-user uploads or documents that you the Builder uploaded?

Hi Mike!
These 2 documents with the Newsletters and the one with the commands are the ones that the Builder uploads.

The /upload is to signal/trigger the chatbot to analyse and give review of a third document uploaded by the user.

If I have the other 2 documents on, it doesn’t summarize the user uploaded document.
i will try to recreate the 2 documents differently to see what happens.