What prompt instructions can I add to a "chat" pickaxe to recognize uploaded docs

Hello, I’ve created a chat pickaxe that will analyze and match a job description and a resume. I’m allowing users to upload a pdf.


When user uploads a pdf, the gpt doesn’t automatically start to analyze the attachment nor does it acknolowdage it has received the attachment.

Any tips? Thanks


Great question! So you want your AI Chatbot to recognize when a document has been uploaded by the end-user and then automatically run.

Prompt GPT to analyze document
There is no way to have it run upon successful upload of a doucment. All tools require a message in order to run. The easy solution is to have an intro message that says:

  • Upload your resume and say ‘resume is ready’ to get started.

Then when the user says “resume is ready” the tool will analyze the document. Or even if they just say ‘ok’. The key is the user needs to say something.

GPT doesn’t recognize there’s a doucment
Another possible problem is that the tool may not recognize a document has been uploaded. Maybe, even after successful document upload, it says something like “I’m sorry, I don’t have access to a document”. This is easily amended.

You might enjoy a longer explanation of how our document interrogation system works, but put simply our system indexes documents and then pulls up any relevant pieces of document whenever the conversation is relevant to it. So the conversation must make reference to something that summons up the document.

In order to get the system to always pull up the uploaded resume, I suggest adding to the prompt language that explicitly mentions resumes like:

  • The user will upload a resume with their work history and job skills. Look at the resume.