Connecting a trained Lora in to Pickaxe

Hey all, im trying to connect a lora that I trained to Pickaxe and use the power of to generate the image. I used the action in pickaxe but it doesn’t allow me to enter the specific lora path anywhere. How can I setup a specific lora from in Pickaxe?

Hi @chadvmm I will test it for you by tomorrow and update you :+1:

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Thank you. Let me know if you need any additional information from me

Hi @chadvmm I’m testing Fal now. Can you send me some details about your Pickaxe?

  • What does the workflow look like?
  • What output are you trying to achieve?
  • Chat or form-style pickaxe?
  • How many connected actions do you have running at the same time?

I did some quick tests on my end today and managed to connect my Fal API key and URL endpoints directly from the Pickaxe action.

A couple of things to pay attention to:

  • Ensure your Lora model on Fal is set up and you have an API key ready.
  • Save your API secret and URL endpoint in a notepad or code editor on your PC/Mac.
  • Ensure your main Pickaxe prompt is informed of its task and how and when it should trigger the Fal connected action.
  • Ensure your Fal action Trigger prompt is informed of when to trigger the connection between your Pickaxe and Fal.
  • Find > copy > paste both your Submit URL and Status URL endpoints from Fal into the action settings (red arrows).

If you want to create a custom action, here is essential API documentation if you wish to create a custom action and use python code (in the Action code section) to connect your Fal API key and URL Endpoint:

Thank you for testing it out. I figured it out. The connection to the action is going to be exactly how you mentioned but I need to include in the prompt how I want the output to be formatted.

I tried using the connected action and I was able to get the correct format but when I use the Fal connected action it does not output the correct format

Im playing around with the prompt to see if that helps. I also tried including how I want the format in the prompt injection but it doesn’t output the right format with the Fal connected action