Custom Domain Setup -- too many redirects (Cloudflare)

Wanted to document a recent problem from a customer.

The user had a custom domain setup issue with their studio where the rule would throw an error “too many redirects”. They were using Cloudflare. They had set up both an A RECORD and CNAME records correctly. They had allowed plenty of time for the DNS to propagate correctly.

Adjust the SSL/TLS settings in Cloudflare. Specifically, change the SSL/TLS option to FULL resolved the issue. This setting ensures that the connection between Cloudflare and the server is encrypted, which appears to address the redirect problem effectively. Here’s a help article that explains the process more.

Hopefully this is helpful for any customers facing similar problems.


This is super helpful!

It’s also helpful to remember that sometimes services like GoDaddy start with a lot of (more or less) junk in their DNS. If you’re having trouble, and aren’t using the domain for anything else, it can be a good idea to just delete all the existing DNS records!