Document retrieval issue

I have tried the document retrieval. It keeps pulling the information NOT in my document. I have no idea why. I have also set to 100% always use knowledge but it didn’t work. I use it for teaching and educational purposes. My document has clearly defined info but the AI is responding with some extra informatiob beyond the syllabus in my document. Please help

I would recommend explaining in the prompt that it should “only pull from the knowledge base” and “that if information is not explicitly contained in the knolwedge base then DO NOT guess or make up answer”.

I am bumping this up as well.

I fed it a text based legal document and even if project set to “always” fetch from document and set a prompt rule to always provide citations, it will ALWAYS do neither.

It makes it quite unusable for anything that requires Knowledge Base, which is a lot of use cases.

Drop a link to your tool here and I can look into why it’s not behaving as expected.