Knowledge base issue

I have rigorously tested out the knowledge base function. I have provided a document and query about it and the bot tends to return information not found in the document. And when I asked the bot to cite the information from the document, the bot will provide general information or hallucinate new information not found in the document. I have tried tweaking the prompts and parameter but it still didn’t work. I hope the team will check the function and test it out if it works. It doesnt really read the knowledge base to provide information asked.


Few minutes I have same issue,

Upload files again, it works for me

Just to check. The system doesnt have OCR ability to read PDF? because pdf some work and some dont as it returns “no document is uploaded” even the document has already been uploaded

For OCR, I dont know

I upload just .doc a this time, to facilitate IA work and chatgpt work

I am bumping this up as well.

I fed it a text based legal document and even if project set to “always” fetch from document and set a rule to always provide citations, it will ALWAYS do neither.

It makes it quite unusable for anything that requires Knowledge Base, which is a lot of use cases.

The system does NOT have OCR capabilities. A good test is to see if you can copy/paste text from the PDF manually. If you can do that, then it will be read. If you can’t do that, then the system will not be able to read the text in the document.

Would you mind sending me your tool? I can take a look at what’s going on

If you send me the tool and documents in it (, I can take a look into the issue.