Embed pickaxe missing thumbs up / down?

I just noticed that embed pickaxes don’t have up/down vote buttons? Is this by design?

Would love to get this as a feature to teach the bot to be even better and it would help weed out answers that aren’t working as well as intended.

Second issue I noticed is that the bot doesnt save its answers. If I reload my page the bot is empty. Would be cool to have it save the text for last 5-10 messages at least so if the user comes back they would be able to see this.

Maybe add a clear button there as well.

These are great observations! But neither are actually bugs.

Embedded Pickaxes don’t save history at the moment. We are working on a system that will both save history and recognize users, which will allow users to connect their embedded Pickaxes to their studios.

We also don’t currently collect the feedback on embeds because we can’t tie it to a user.

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