Hi, can someone tell me if a users chat will be saved when using an embeded bot?
It looks like the chat is wiped whenever the page is refreshed and that entire chat is lost for that user?
I read in another post that you can’t embed a studio into a webpage without it breaking functionality. Since we can’t do this the only option to create a sub-domain which houses the studio… This is extremely cumbersome.
We want to add some bots to our memebrship site as extras, and since the chats are lost whenever the page is left it renders the bots useless. Adding a sub-domain which will then need to to mirror the user membership level access, then replicating the main website to look the same on the sub-domain, and then adding a secondary login is just for studio is a really bad UI. Especially since we there isn’t a PickAxe REST API to add users…
Has anyone found a good way around this?