ETA for Claude models with BYOK

Hey guys!

Eagerly waiting the arrival of Claude 2.1 with my own API keys.

Any time soon?


We will support bring your own API Key for Claude models in the next few days. Expect to see it soon!

any update?

it’s been 5 days already

We’ve added the feature! You should see it in the control panel of any individual tool.

I’m unable to add my Claude API key. What have I done wrong?

Are you getting an error message? Or are you unable to find the place to add it?

If you’re unable to find where to put your API key, here is a video that explains how to get your Claude API key in pretty good detail.

If you’re getting an error message, would you mind posting it a screenshot of the error here? It will help me to troubleshoot the issue.

Thank you! I think I figured it out. You have to set the model you want to use when you are writing your prompt. I thought picking your API determined which model you used. Got it backwards - doh!
Thanks again! Cheers!

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