Off the top of my head, try to see if there is a free API that already exists so you can connect the API to your PIckaxe,
Keep in mind, I’m not a developer or even that tech. I do create a lot custom gpts andf pickaxes.
Here is is a paid Gas Price API
CollectAPI Gas Price API: Real-Time Fuel Prices at Your Fingertips
Are you looking for a reliable, up-to-date source of gas prices? Look no further than CollectAPI’s Gas Price API. Our comprehensive service provides real-time gasoline and diesel prices from fuel stations across multiple countries and cities.
You could use web search “action” to check the AAA Fuel Prices and return the price.
I would crearte a Pickaxe Form. Create a form that asks for the same colmns as the AAA Fuel Price table so your users don’t enter any info that may confuse the pickaxe.
Last bit of advise, lol. Create the pickaxe and then go to “Actions”, and choose the Pre-build Perplixity Action, which is great at research the internert.
Yes I want to use web search “action” but I don’t know where that is. Is it the Google one? I originally built this in Formwise which has a scrape the web feature. Pickaxe seemed to have that at some point but now its gone. So I need an alternative that does the same thing.