Hide top right buttons

Hi all

Trying to stop the rendering of the buttons top right and have tried this but it hasn’t worked…

.top-right-buttons { display: none !important; }

What else could I try to prevent the rndering of the buttons top right? (I want to do this to wrap the pickaxe studio in a mobile app and I want to channel login through a spearate menu tab I have written that I can eventurally make conditional upon in-app payment to comply with app store rules.

Thanks for any help.

Figured it help just in case it helps anyone else…

.gap-3 path {
display: none !important

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Thanks! I need this too :pray:

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Hi @vener I managed to completely restyle the studio pages how I needed them to render them inside a mobile app that meets withthe Apple/Googla app stores criteria about in-app purchases. Moved elements around, centered some, made the emaill display size smaller and removed certain price/purchase related elements.

This was the result