How do we add a button to play Chat results as audio from Eleven'sLab?

You can use the ElevenLabs Action which you can find under the Act tab. It will create an playable audio file of the chatbot’s output. You’ll need an ElevenLabs API key to use the Action.

Thanks @admin_mike, this is exactly what i did and mine even says connected but nothing shows under the chat output. I have tried with Chrome, Firefox and safari I even edited to trigger prompt so the tool can be used on the outputted chat to no avail. What am i doing wrong ?

The current version of this action does not create a special button next to the copy button to play audio versions. It renders a playable MP3 file in the chat.

this is exactly what i want.
So what am i doing wrong then ?

Probably your API key or voice choice. Voice choice trips a lot of folks up for 11 labs setup

As Nathaniel suggests below, the issue might be the setup.

If you’re having trouble with a specific voice, try using another one and see if it works. Custom voices are a little trickier than the default voices.

Also make sure your ElevenLabs account is set up properly.