How to delete chats

Hi. Can somebody tell me exactly how to delete any chat or chat history, please ?

Thanks in advance

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As a Pickaxe owner, you can delete any chats by going to the control panel of that Pickaxe.

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Thank you @admin_mike

What about a Pickaxe user - someone subscribed to a studio - how do they delete a chat from their history?

End users cannot delete their chats, currently.

being unable to delete past chats makes me think my sidebar would become unmanageable in a week or so - the lower folders with their pickaxes would disappear below hundreds of chats fairly rapidly. I was just switching from forms to chats because the forms have some limitations in user experience of uploading and text questions but wonder if I need to change back to forms to avoid the chat history - on the other hand people will really want a chat history. Seems like ideal solution is to separate chat history from navigation between folders/pickaxes.

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Where can I delete old interactions in the Studio? I can see them just no way to delete them.

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*I wrote this in another thread but thought I would ask it here as well.

Is allowing user to delete chats on the roadmap? The studio I created and have been testing has been overloaded and disorganized within a week without this feature. I cannot see myself trying to publish it without a feature like this.


We are currently working on several customer projects, and everywhere the question arises of how users can delete old chats themselves.
Additionally, there is the question of why the chat history is not listed on the left in the sidebar for form pickaxes, but rather all form responses appear one below the other.
I would also like to know if chat deletion is on the roadmap. This is also one of the most important points for becoming GDPR compliant.

Otherwise, would you take on contracts to individually program such a feature?

I just got the same question from my users.

In the upcoming redesign, Owners will have the ability to turn off their ability to see response history on a studio by studio basis. Turning it off would make it so the owner cannot see the end-user history. This will effectively anonymize usage history, which is very for HIPAA and GDPR

There is no way for end users to delete chats.

Hm well one of the most important for GDPR compliance is that users have control (by themselves) about their data including the ability to delete their data whenever they want. Including their chat history.

We will get there eventually! But as I mentioned, the soonest-coming feature in this category is the ability for the Owner to turn off their ability to collect data. This is very, very crucial to our users in the healthcare space.

We’ll be releasing several other new features after that as well. But one thing at a time. One thing at a time.

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What is a rough time estimate of when we will see some form of this update? (Are we talking days, weeks, or months from now?)

We are talking weeks!