Humanizing AI text

Hi all,

I read the blog about the examples of creating pickaxes and there is this tool for humanizing AI text. I tried it and it worked well. Anyone know the prompt for it?

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Here is a video tutorial about how to get your AI outputs to sound more human like and less ChatGPT-ish.

Thanks for the video but I m looking for the prompt used in one of your blogs. It is found at the end of your blog. This is the one How to Identify AI-Generated Content: AI Text Converter Tool - Pickaxe Blog

HEy tony, as that blog explains it’s all about Burstiness and Perplexity. Those are technical terms for variety.

You want to write a prompt that instructs the model to rewrite the words and choose unlikely words, vary the length of sentences, avoid even-balanced sentence construction.

For example, you might try a prompt like:

Rewrite the following text with a mix of sentence lengths, complexity, and a more conversational tone. Use varied sentence structures, idioms, and contractions to give the text a human-like flow, avoiding any patterns that suggest it’s machine-generated content. Incorporate vivid adjectives and transitions to keep the reader engaged.

That’s just a starting point.

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