Icebreakers on forms

It would also be good to have icebreakers on the forms. First-time visitors generally use these.

If you are embedding your forms, you can customize the placeholder text of the input fields as a sort of icebreaker.

But point taken about full-on ice breakers. Will watch the feature request thread with interest.

There is no customisation field for the placeholder texts in forms

Hey @teoman there is, but it’s not terribly obvious. I’ll explain a little more.

EMBEDS - If you embed the form, you can customize the placeholder text within the embed customization form.

STUDIOS - If you put a form in a studio, you can customize the placeholder text by clicking on the pencil icon over in the side bar, then writing new placeholder text into it.

For your convenience, I’ve included some screenshots below.


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That helped, thanks.

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