Max output length

If I go to “Configure” and “Token Lenghts” I can select “Max output length:” up to 4096, this means the length of the final text corresponds approximately to 3000 words, since a token is equivalent to about 0.75 words.
In any case the length of the text that I can obtain at most is about 1000 words, even though I asked in the prompt, to create a document of about 3000 words. Do you have any suggestions on how to force an output of about 3000 words?

Under the configure tab the “Max Output Length” corresponds to the maximum allowable length. Putting that slider up or down changes the limit of what the model is allowed to output. However, it does not influence how long the model’s output will be. You must do that in the prompt.

For example, you can slide that limit up to 4000 tokens. But if your prompt is “Write a haiku”, it will only output a haiku (a few words).

So if you want very long outputs, you need to do that within the prompt. I would specify that in the prompt in multiple places. I would also suggest providing the prompt with an outline structure that helps explain how it should reach 3000 words.

i achieved the goal of a long text changed the model with claude sonnet 3.5. i hope it is useful to the community

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