New Action: TaskMagic! 📺 Turn screen recordings into automations

We just created a pre-built Action for an awesome piece of software called TaskMagic. It allows you to turn screen recordings of yourself pressing buttons into working automations.

Nathaniel goes over the Action here.

TaskMagic is also running a lifetime deal this week for anyone interested.


Umm…okay. I’ve built browser/click bots for tasks in the past and didn’t even think of this in relation to GPT/PickAxe and automations. This is a mind numbing connection…thanks for that PickAxe Team. Super exciting, well done.


Let me see if I understand this correctly, because that explainer video took an unexpected turn in the second act.

So basically, TaskMagic action is designed to act as a sort of automated secretary to engage in gathering specific information from the chat and then puts that into an eco-system with automated web hooks?

What Tier do we need to purchase to be able to use Pickaxe with Task Magic ?

This is AWESOME @admin_mike and @nathaniel !

Could I ask a question if you don’t mind ? TaskMagic is using a self-hosted ActivePieces instance, which is great. Using the /sync prefix to the webhook URL allows TaskMagic / AP to send a response to the origine. So, could a Pickaxe get a response from TaskMagic ? Lot of use cases here :slight_smile:

Anyway : congrats!

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It’s a pre-built action, so anyone can use it!

From my understanding, yes, using the /sync prefix should allow you to get info back!

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I’m not as technical as you are chrishk…if you have a minute, can you give an example of what you are talking about here/what you are able to do with that?

@chrishk I’ve used the webhook responses before with Make. So it should work with TaskMagic the same way