New forum category for Studio Design Help

I’m trying to figure out how to add sections to the landing page for the studios.
I understand we can use markdown, but I want to know how we can add columns and change background colors and what-not.
I don’t see where it is that we can do all of that.
I’m assuming it’s by adding CSS.

Hey boss! As far as I know we currently are able to add a secondary description setting in studio which can be found in the edit home page option(Screenshot below)

Once you click the pages>Second Info Section you can now add a secondary description as you please!

Under the design section we can edit the studios color schemes giving us control of pretty much every color option we can think of!

Once you’ve clicked the color dropdown you can now edit the colors of the studio!

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


This is definitely a case of the “not paying attentions” on my part.
I apprecitate the help.

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