Not secure site

Hello! Something quite serious is happening that prevents the proper use of the tool.

When I share the link and users want to enter, they get a notice that the site is not secure.

If I share it on IG, for example, it tells them it’s not secure and doesn’t even give them the option to proceed to the website.

Any solution?

@alfaroi are you using a custom domain?

see this post My Pickaxe site shows "Dangerous site"

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Can you provide a screenshot of this error? As @recruiterlarry shared, this may be related to the SSL settings of your custom domain.

I am having the same issue, and I am new.

I am using a custom domain and the issue I am having is that I cannot issue my own SSL certificate because the domain resolves to the IP you gave me. Are you providing https for these custom domains?

Mine is insecure as it is.