I’d like some guidance on best practices in prompting with Pickaxe as I get the impression it’s different from prompting for chatgpt (or is it?)
To start with, should I structure the Pickaxe in a certain way, for example given the prompt headings of:
Persona, Greeting, Questions, Knowledge content, Rules, Multilanguage capabilities, Privacy etc etc.
Does it matter what order I put things in?
Also does it matter how I format things? Should I use markup for example? Bullet points, bold? Italics separators etc? , what effect if any do these choices have? Is there a benefit or a drawback to how things are formatted and ordered?
How detailed should my prompt be?
How long should it be?
What are the implications and effects of detailed versus concise and longer versus shorter prompts? Is there an ideal word length for a prompt? What are the implications of going beyond this?
I could really use some best practices/guidelines for getting the most out of creating prompts that can catch a lot of questions and act in a consistent manner (but with personality).
If I use the prompt injection feature do I still need to include the instruction there in the main prompt?
Also how should I format the syntax of the prompt?
For example I could say to my pickaxe:
Ask Q1
Ask Q2
Ask Q3
Based on the answers, make a plan.
Or I guess I could say:
Tell me what you want to work on , A or B?
Conditional Logic:
- If “A” is selected: “Hey, {user_name}. Give instuction”
- If “B” is selected: “Give other instruction”
Sorry for the rambling question… Hoping I can get some clarification, or ideally we should have some kind of template that would be universal and include best practices in terms of formatting, structuring and prompting syntax with a few examples of content at its best to take some of the guesswork out of things.