Questions about how the Studio functions

Hey cattopp

These are issues of poor communication on our end. It’s instructive to see this as well, so thank you for recording this thorough video.

The good news is these are all easily resolved :slight_smile: Here’s how.

Your Tiers
So tiers STACK on each other. Whatever is in one tier, is included in the next. Because your Guest Tier has access to all Pickaxes in the studio, that results in the Member tier having access to all the tools. Admittedly, we should communicate this much more clearly in the UX as you sign up. Your workaround is to set Guest Tier to only having Access to that one Pickaxe. Then the member tier will behave as you want it to.

Your Guest Tier Not Displaying
The Guest tier isn’t displayed as a tier because it’s not something the end user can sign up for. Anyone who visits your studio is automatically a guest. So we don’t list that.

Wrong Copy Appearing
End users will see slighly different things on those buttons depending on whether they are a guest or member. Hidden in the bottom right of the Studio Manager page is a dropdown to “View As”. This lets you view your studio as a guest, a member etc. If you select View as a Guest in it, you will see what they see and can customize the text. Here’s a screenshot.