Straico Support + Azure Credits Support?

Could it be possible for Pickaxe to support the Straico API?

Straico is a multi-LLM provider that has been on Lifetime Deal several times and they include a number of models - well beyond those offered by a single provider.

LTD holders, like myself, get a monthly allotment of credits and I’d love to combine Straico and Pickaxe together. Their API is pretty straight-forward and I’d love to see Pickaxe support this rather than putting more money into Open AI.

Also - is there the possibility of supporting Azure credits? Because those of us in the Microsoft for Start-up program get an allotment, I’d love to see support for that as well.

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same here, would love to see that happen.

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We’ve heard this from several customers. It seems like a great product, but right now there are no plans to integrate with this. We want to connect to model providers directly.

How about using Ollama for local setups? You can connect to Straico through Ollama. Would this be considered a local provider you’d be open to?

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Hi @admin_mike, could you please respond to my message when you have a minute?

The Ollama integration, while very cool, doesn’t change our reasoning for not integrating with Straico.

First off, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I can imagine how busy you are.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the most technical person in this space. Yes, my suggestion was to ultimately connect to Straico through Ollama, but I was also thinking it would benefit your users by allowing them to use their local LLMs. I thought it could be a win-win.

It felt like your response focused only on Straico, which I guess is understandable since we’re in a Straico-related thread. But, my request was also intended for non-Straico users.

I understand that text communications can be incorrectly interpreted, but it almost seemed like there was something against Straico, like receiving one too many pushy requests. I could be completely wrong, though, and hope I am. :slightly_smiling_face:

FYI, I purchased tier two knowing this may never happen, but an Ollama integration seemed like a reasonable request separate from Straico.

Thanks again for your time and product.

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