Hi, its nice to see you support stripe but unfortunately you don’t support a VAT ID in the checkout. Stripe has these options with payment links.
Any way this could be supported?
An alternative would be to show the subscriptions with pricing but let the Subscribe button lead to another URL that we define. That way we would handle the payment on our site and then Manage a user manually with the paid plan.
It is our understanding (based on talking to the folks at Stripe) that you should currently be able to collect VAT properly using Stripe’s tax system. You should be able to navigate here and set it up. If you run into issues, let us know and we can bring in the Stripe team to help.
Not really, the Pickaxe checkout does not support VAT exemption for companies. If you use a custom checkout integrated in your software it default does not support VAT ID’s. In Stripe itself the seller can only embed the support for VAT id’s in payment links which Pickaxe does not support. So Pickaxe needs to check if the code does add the VAT ID option to the checkout. The seller cannot solve this himself because it’s embedded in the code of the Pickaxe solution.
It’s easy to see if Pickaxe supports VAT id’s, buy a membership and you will see you don’t ask VAT id’s so everyone has to pay tax.I believe you worked in fintech so it should be common knowledge.
Just to add some more on this subject, check this Stripe page:
Because I’m not creating the checkout code inside Pickaxe I cannot solve it. An alternative are customized payment links but you don’t have them.
So if you want to support VATID’s and businesses you need to add:
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Hi @thingsio,
You should now be able to collect tax ID optionally from your customers by enabling it from the Payment Settings. Thank you.

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Hi, after fixing this I found a few other issues it seems:
- does your checkout take payment methods into account? Whatever I do (disabling creditcards) your checkout still prefers creditcards as the payment method;
- your checkout page does not support Stripe localization. Strip has this and because you have localized Pickaxe pages I would assume it supports local languages in the checkout.
This s actually the issue described, I bet you force card payments: