To clone a studio : a nightmare

I’m in the process of ‘cloning’ one of my studios. As everything comes with it. What a pain! as I want to change payment method (subscription instead of one time) I have to redo everything. pickaxes, design, all pages + pop ups and all folders with the right pickaxes inside (I have 60+ pickaxes in this studio)!

on the form creator Tally for example (but also on typeform or paperform etc…) I also use Stripe and I have forms with subscription (monthly or annual) forms with single payment and even a form with subscription and single payment on the same page) and it works perfectly.
Why not on Pickaxe?

And of course I won’t mention the currency changes nor the file management system again (see for a good idea).


Hey Patrick, Cloning an entire studio is not a feature we’ve honestly put a lot of thought or design resources into yet. We just launched it quickly because so many people want to do it. So fully appreciate that it is janky.

If you give a more detailed writeup about problems, we will be sure to address it when we revisit the Studio cloning feature. From this message I am gathering that your main issue is that cloning forces you to clone the payment system. And if you don’t want to copy that, then you have to start from scratch.