When our studios grow beyond just a few Pickaxes, the UI starts to feel a bit cluttered, mainly because of the left-hand menu.
On most AI platforms, you can search for agents, expand or collapse lists, and even see popular agents alongside recent conversations in the menu.
While it’s not perfect, it’s definitely easier to navigate than what’s currently available in Pickaxe. Right now, once you have more than 10 Pickaxes, the interface can become quite tricky to use.
We don’t have a good solution for this currently. The only feature to organize the left hand nav are folders. If you’d like to add a folders, you can do so by clicking the “+” button and selecting Folder.
Unfortunately, beyond that we don’t have any functionality to customize the left-hand nav bar.
Thanks for the suggestion. Folders are certainly a great way to keep everything organised. Could this be something to consider for future updates as our studios continue to grow? Thanks
What exactly is the suggestion here for us to add in the future? Like, what would be helpful in organizing the side nav beyond collapsible/expandable folders?
This would be more useful for sure. WordPress has a similar UX/UI challenge with blocks. I wouldn’t suggest copying ChatGPT, as their interface in this regard is quite poor.
True. When there are many Bots/Agents/Pickaxes, it seems to me that the solution is to have a page to choose which one to use in a kind of gallery like Humy’s, and then interact with the chosen one on another page…
If I remember correctly, Poe.com follows this line.
For sure, being able to categorize Pickaxes to pages, both back-end and front-end would be very useful. Especially considering being able to further add content to a page of pickaxes.