Idea for the studio

I think it would be cool to have a chain of bots that communicate with each other like agents. But I also think it’s important that you can make the following adjustments in the studio:

You currently have all the connected Pickaxes on the left-hand side. But I think it would be cool if you could put several pickaxes on 1 page, e.g. a landing page, so that they are displayed one below the other.

This would allow you to communicate with the first one, for example, take the result from it and put it into the second one - preferably with a copy & paste shortkey that you simply click on with the mouse and paste.

This means that the user does not have to keep clicking on the left-hand bar, but has everything clearly arranged on one landing page.

And it feels a little more individual and the experience is not so “boring” in the usual GPT style.

Hi @richard_zimmermann, I’d recommend adding your ideas under the Feature Request category.

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