We are getting these super strange responses, when asking if a specific place is in the zone it will answer happily, but when asked for full list it kicks back and says it doesn’t know
SOP entire here
We are getting these super strange responses, when asking if a specific place is in the zone it will answer happily, but when asked for full list it kicks back and says it doesn’t know
SOP entire here
Any ideas on what’s going on?
It’s hard to say without knowing more. Is this information you put into the prompt, or the knowledge base, or are getting through an action, or is just supposed to know it?
The information is all in the KB. I can see that it is pulling the relevant chunk in out of the document, but for some reason it doesn’t provide it after that.
If the Pickaxe is indeed pulling the correct information out of the Knowledge Base, I would add more instruction within the prompt about how to use the information from the knowledge base.