Adding files on a chat

I am testing a bot I made that should allow uploading files, and I’m on mobile. When I try to add the file it sits at the top of the chat box but doesn’t send through?

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The file should be sent through. A small eccentricity of the system is the file is uploading but you must prompt the tool with a message. Something like “Okay, I’ve uploaded it” usually works. When you upload a file, it sits there for the duration of your chat session unless you refresh or ‘x’ it out.

I’m just curious how you got your chat bot to have the capability of uploading files in the first place. Does it have to do with the pricing plan you have?

All bots can accept file uploads.

The creator can upload files directly themself in the builder by clicking on the “Upload Files” button in the knowledge base section. You can allow end-users to upload their own files into it by checking that checkbox. I’ve included a screenshot of the builder with some arrows pointing to file upload options.


Thank you! That’s great to know!

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