Announcement Comunity action picks😊

Hello community, I have created a pick that writes stories and sends them to you by email. It took me quite some time to create it, but at least it’s something. I would like the community to try it and give me feedback. Have a good day.

P.S.: To activate it, use the command: Write an interesting story and send it to my email [your email].

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Very cool! For those wondering, Bruno set this up as a beta tester of our API Actions. Not all APIs work, but Bruno got his to work. Nicely done!

Hello Friend!

I gave your app a try and it generated the content and said it was sent. But I have not received anything as of yet. I checked my spam. Since almost everything we send ends up there lately. LOL, but nothing.
I will check back a bit later and if I receive my story. I will inform you. I hope this is helpful.
Thank you ,

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UPDATE !!! It showed up and I received a short story on Sir Lancelot!!
Gran trabajo amigo!


Thank you all for trying it out!