Hi there - just a quick hello from new user

Hey - Rob here. Just stopped in to say hi. Super impressed with Pickaxe - especially after becoming discouraged elsewhere. I made a semi-successful chatbot last week but when taking a break neglected to save it and it disappeared into the ether. Lesson learnt. I hope to do good thing with pickaxe. Cheers.

Sorry to hear you lost your work in the Pickaxe Builder. It’s important to hit that “Publish” button!

If you post any questions here, the Pickaxe founding team will personally answer it.

Why were you only semi-successful? what did you want your chatbot to do better?

Hi Mike. I was building a quizmaster bot where the assistant had to compose multiple choice questions drawn from a reference document with the source content. My bot composed and presented the questions well but was seemingly unable to recognise the input from the user to then assess the answer as being right or wrong. I adjusted a few settings but hadn’t resolved it before I closed the window. I had however copied and pasted the dialogue (to-and-fro) before I lost everything. I will have another go next week. If I get stuck, I’ll wave for help. Cheers. Rob

If you continue having trouble, just post the prompt here in the community forums and we will help you workshop it. Cheers!