Announcement: One-time payments in studio!

Hello all! A quick announcement. We just launcehd the ability for Studios to charge end-users one via one-time payments.

We think this will be a major driver of more revenue for studios, as it offers a lower barrier to entry for many potential buyers.

How Does It Work?
When an end-user purchases a one-time payment tier in your studio, the end-user will get the associated credits once and their account will unlock access to all the tools under that one-time payment tier. For example, let’s say an end-user purchases a $10 tier that gives them 500 credits and access to all tools. They will get 500 credits once. They will not get more credits next month. And they will have lifetime access to the tools.

Current Limitations
Currently, Studios can only be configured to accept one-time payments or subscription. They cannot be configured to accept both. If that’s something you’d like to see, please let us know.


I would love to see both of them be available at the same time and more robust user control.

With user control I mean being able to add credits to users and able to change their tier (for example upgrade them from Tier 1 to Tier 2 with more tools or credits each month).


I’m with Hurmuli be great to have both options available. Love the feature!

Have a few tiers would be fantastic. Free, tier 1 tier 2 for example. @admin_mike

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Great update!

@admin_mike is there currently a way to add more credits to the user for one-time access? If not, could this be added?

Also, would like to be able to offer a few free tiers (for both one-time and subscription) if possible. For example, I have one free tier where I can change the # of uses. There doesn’t appear to be a way to add additional free tiers. When I add another tier, I can only select price and free isn’t an option. I’d like to have a few different variations of free tiers with different numbers of uses if possible. Thank you.

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You can create a default number of guest uses. This essentially functions as a guest tier. Then you can create one tier that is free but has uses. Anyone who signs up with an email will get these uses. There is no way to offer other tiers.

I’m curious though, how you would imagine this working. If you have multiple free tiers, how do users claim them. Just by clicking on “get”?

oh yes, I’d love to be able to offer subscriptions AND one-time access in the same studio.
I’m about to create 2 clone studios, one for subscriptions, the other for one-time payments,
I can smell management problems with this solution


When you say, Studios can only accept one payment type or another. Do you mean each separate Studio can choose either one time or subscription, OR do you mean ALL Studios can only accept one type or another?

You ask if we would like to be flexible or restricted regarding payment types. I think it is reasonable to assume that we would prefer flexibility.


yes, all studios (or each studio if you like) can only accept one or other of the payment systems.

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Yes, I’d love the option for both. But this is also great.

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I’d really like to see an annual payment option.
Any chance in that happening?

Yes! That is happening with the new redesign coming in a 1-2 weeks.

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