Anyone else having troubles accessing their pickaxes?

Im stuck on the spinny pickaxe page…

yes I have been having this problem all morning and yesterday too, also my chats are regularly getting Request failed with status code 502

This is related to some site maintenance we were doing yesterday and this morning. We are upgrading the architecture of the website. Apologies for the service interruption. Regular service should resume this evening with actually better performance.

Hey mike, why is it that when i try uploading my html code into my website that the only thing it shows on my page is “Sorry. You dont have permission to access this pickaxe”

I paid for Gold membership thinking that would resolve the issue and its still giving me the same error.

Thank you

Hi there! I believe the problem is because you have “domain protection” on in your Pickaxe’s privacy settings or you have set it to private.

Just visit the control panel and toggle these settings. (see screenshot)