Better Voice interaction needed ASAP

With AI tech moving so fast, it’s easy for a SaaS companies to eventually become less relevant, so staying ahead of the curve is important…

Voice capabilities are needed for potential clients. My wife and I wish for voice capabilities similar to Chat GPT, Gemini, Pie, and even Facebook Meta AI. The Eleven Labs Action is not sufficient, and it incurs additional costs. Pickaxe is a pioneer in some regards but may be overlooked by most end users who still compare it to Chat GPT/store

Yes, please add this. this would be super helpful!


Yes, please, please, please !:pray:t5:


Hi @President can you explain what your end product looks like and how it is supposed to function?

e.g. “A Pickaxe studio intended as an Ed-Tech product/course companion with voice capabilities… It needs text-to-speech / speech-to-text capabilities”


Simply put no less than chat gpts, voice capabilities may be even a talking customizable photo even. This will take customer experience to another level. Don’t get me wrong Pickaxe is awesome but I wanna see the company being a billion dollar SaaS company that we can invest in.

Got it. Thanks for sharing!

I believe that’s currently in the works

Here’s the link to that community post

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