Blocked: Multiple Bugs

I am currently blocked in releasing my app. Hoping you all can help me. Happy to jump on a call and screenshare.

  1. Input Field: currently it’s required. I need to make it an optional field. This has me blocked as users need to be able to upload an image or provide me a URL. The input field is a required field
  2. Label of Fields: I need to be able to relabel the document upload field since my users can upload images.
  3. Chat - I wanted the user to be able to chat with the app however, even though I specifically told my prompt not to talk about un-releated items it still did and would talk about anything. I had to disable chat.
  4. Easy field reorder - I should be able to reorder the fields. I have noticed if I reorder them in the prompt they get reordered. But that is not intuitive or user fields as now I have to build my prompt around the user fields order.