I tried to embed a pickaxe studio using the custom domain, it opens fine, however, after logging in inside the embedded page, it would not show my account credit and when I click on the account page it would then triggered the login pop up again asking me to login even tho when I’m already logged in.
To be clear, you are not supposed to embed the studio. You can technically embed the studio, but it breaks a lot of the functionality. If you want to include your studio within a website, the easiest method is to host it as a subdomain like app.mywebsite, and then link that as a page in your website navbar.
But to reiterate, while individual Pickaxes are designed to function as embeds, the studios are not.
Right now, it currently is linked to the sidebar and when clicked, it opens within the same window. Do you call that embed or linked? I simply use the full domain and linked on the sidebar and open in the same window. Does using sub domain help or resolve the issue that I’m having?