Embedding non pickaxe tools (even forms) as HTML Snippets

I have tools that have entire activepieces automations and routines behind it.
I would just need to be allowed to make tools that are basically just a description and an embedding.

Is that possible somehow? Would HUGELY increase the way I can use the platform. Would make it so I can sell way more stuff on it from all the other tools I bought and all the automations I built.

(also can I embed videos as explainer infront of any tool?)

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Forgive me, but I am not entirely sure what you are asking. Are you asking whether you can embed the Pickaxes in ways other than iFrames? Or are you asking if you can embed other stuff inside your Studio?

If you’re asking about putting non-Pickaxe code in your studio, we currently don’t support. The studios support videos, images, hyperlinks, and rich text, but not much else beyond that.

Yes possibility of embedding external frame / apps will help to add help, community, training, external forms were we need to make it global saas app.


Currently you can add youtube videos to studios. If you enter a youtube video URL into areas of the Studio accept markdown (like the home page description) it will automatically render it as a playable video. Here’s a help post explaining how to add youtube videos to studios.

If you want to add code inside a Studio, we recently pushed a beta feature for Studios where you can add code to the page header. You can look for it under Design>Content. Here’s a screenshot.

Other Suggestions
If you have specific suggestions, please list them. We will take them into consideration!

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Yes I have read and tested it
The code injection is for whole site very if I want add popup windows or external chatbot. But I can’t add a specific external app in the left menu or in a page actually. So the Engoso suggestion still remain very interesting to expand the add value