Iframe in studio pages 😊

I would love the ability to add an iframe in a studio page so I can integrate other tools I have created.

This is a cool idea, and something we’ve often talked about internally—the idea of “linking” multiple ai chatbots/forms on a single page within a studio.

Can you elaborate on a specific use-case you might use this for?

Iframes would be awesome as it would make it possible to create amazing studios by embedding third party tools/pages. I have forms made with Formaloo and AI-tools created with Frontly that I would love to embed on studio pages.
I see this as a win-win situation for Pickaxe as allowing to add third party tools could increase the perceived value of the Studio, and Pickaxe wouldn’t have to do anything to maintain these tools.

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This feels like such a quick, easy win!

I add the HTML element to a page and have an added iframe embeds. In fact, I have embedded complete websites into studio pages… I guess I don’t understand why you can’t do the same? Of course the link/website you are trying to embed must be open to iframes via security header settings of the website you are trying to embed. I have also embedded tools from other builders, google docs, a whole forum webpage… No issues lol